What’s in the Name??

Whenever a new-born baby has its naming ceremony, parents are usually asked why the name was chosen and what it meant. Just imagine if the parents say that the name was just the first one which popped in their minds and doesn’t really mean anything as such. If it doesn’t work that way, then would it be sensible enough to do the same in business??

There goes a lot of thought in naming a business. After all, it does remain the company’s recognition till its existence. Start-ups do have to come up with unique, catchy names to make that difference and to create an impact in the market. But it just doesn’t end at that.

Following are a few solid reasons for you to think twice for your Business name:

1.      Legally Brand!!
Let’s face it - No one wants to get tangled up in legal complications and court cases. Basic steps and a bit of research just to safeguard yourself and not be tagged as a copy of an already existing company.

2.       Is it related??
Does your name explain what you do?? This is very important as your name must be relatable to your work. Let’s say for example, when we say ‘Snips and Scissors’, the first thing that comes to mind is a barber shop. If it is used for any other business, it may create a negative impact.

3.       Keep Calm and don’t complicate!
The simpler the name, the better. If it is something which is easily recalled, the name will have a better chance of being used as a household name. Everyone can easily say Nike, but the phonics of Porsche has always taken a serious hit, with different pronunciations every time.

4.       Mind Games!!
A name can play a very subtle, but impactful force on a customer’s mind. It can trigger nostalgia or reminiscence of a younger time and make customers relate to your brand more. Or, it can be something very near or dear to the masses (for example – patriotism) which can make the masses accept your brand more openly.

5.       First Impression!
Isn’t this the best way to show that you mean Business!! Based on your client and target audience, the name can be something funky, a play-of-words, professional or informal. Whatever the name, it should be something which clicks with the end-user.

The importance of a proper name can never be stressed enough. It is the identity of your business and stands for everything that you believe in. It has to be powerful, yet easy to remember. So never rush with it… Do it once, do it Right!!!
